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World Heart Day|TNPSC Coaching Centres in Trichy|IAS Academy in Trichy

 ❤️ World Heart Day is 29th September 

Bharathi TNPSC Coaching intitute Trichy

TNPSC Coaching institute in Trichy


Bharathi TNPSC Coaching Centre Trichy

(ISO 9001 - 2015 Certificate Academy)

Conducting Coaching Classes for:

Want a Govt Job?

State Job or Central Job?

TNPSC - Group 1, Group 2, Group 2A, Group 4 & VAO, Hindu Temple Posting 

UPSC - IAS, IPS, IFS (Civil Services)




POLICE - PC, SI(State)& RPF, BSF(Central)

TEACHING- TET, TRB (All Subjects)


Other Central Govt Jobs: BSNL, BHEL, Post Office, FCI

Other State Govt Jobs: TNEB, Housing Board, AAVIN


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For More Details 

Contact us:

Ph no: +919942213225

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திருச்சி i a s சென்டர்

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